IOT, the 4th industrial revolution

The world as we know it has seen 3 major revolutions. The first one dates back to the 18th century, while the last 2 date from the 20th century. Currently, according to scientists, we have entered a new phase of industrial revolution. This is the 4th industrial revolution linked to the development of cloud computing and the internet of things called IOT.

What is the 4th industrial revolution ?

The "industrial revolution" corresponds to several phenomena that transform the world. The first one is qualified as such, because it allowed society to advance with the help of steam engines. This is also the case of the second revolution with the improvement of transport thanks to oil and other energy sources. The 4th revolution has the same characteristics, as it also aims to make the world move forward. But unlike the first three, it is based on the use of the Internet of Things (IOT), which includes consumer applications, smart appliances, home automation, health applications, etc. On the industrial side, we talk about Industry 4.0, which uses these tools that we prefer to call the "Internet of Industrial Objects".

The benefits of Industry 4.0

The industrial 4.0 revolution increases the profitability of companies. According to surveys, it improves their productivity by 18%. The Internet of Things has the tools to make life easier for companies and public bodies. Take the case of devices that allow the government to assess the level of pollution, or small gadgets that can monitor water quality. In the near future, we will see the emergence of smart factories using the Internet of Industrial Things (IOT). This new form of factory makes it easier to collect data and make decisions. Unlike the traditional form, it could be worth as much as $934 billion by 2025, at least according to a report by Grand View Research.

A revolution at the heart of digital technology

Beyond the use of intelligent objects, the 4th industrial revolution is integrating digital technology into its path. It facilitates the sharing of information during the product life cycle in order to reduce investments and expenses. Companies are collaborating with numerous platforms to make the most of this new form of industry.  It should be noted that the promotion of this industry allows the 4.0 revolution to share similarities with the 3 previous revolutions. But unlike the latter, it does not rely on factories, oil or other raw materials.